Three Things You Should Always Inform Your Plumber Of Before They Start Their Service

Plumbers are well-trained professionals with years of experience in a very specialised industry, but they are not mind readers, and nor would they claim to be! It is important, therefore, that you let them know some key elements before they start their general assessment and service of your property. If you have called in a plumber for a specific problem, then this is even more relevant to you, as they need as much information as they can possibly get before they start to ensure they don't waste time, and instead, get to the crux of the issue as soon as possible.

Previous Plumbing Issues

Problems that have happened in the past are always going to be a likely culprit behind current outbreaks, as the same conditions that caused a leaky pipe or a blocked drain might still be around, lurking below the surface. Plumbers want to know what the history of your home's plumbing is because this allows them to look for the tell-tale signs of the issues you described. There is no issue too small to bring up, as it all helps paint a picture of what could be potentially causing this issue, and that is always going to be helpful.

Any Recent Appliance Upgrades Or Fixtures Installed

Sometimes the issue is not related to a past problem, but rather a new device that has been added to your plumbing system. Whether that is a brand-new washing machine or something smaller, like a new shower head, all of these will affect the way your home uses water, and it could be related to the issue at hand. Even if the device isn't necessarily near the problem area, it is still important to update the plumber. The more information, the better, especially if the problem only began around the time you had new items installed.

Symptoms That May Have Stopped Before The Plumber Arrived

If you had a blocked drain that was bubbling before the plumber arrived but has since stopped, or perhaps a shower head that was spurting out water for a little while but then went back to normal, then you should let the plumber know about these things. Don't just give them the current status of your plumbing. Walk them through the problem as you first noticed it all the way through to how it is now. These symptoms you saw could hold the key to the underlying problems at hand! 
